Wednesday, February 22, 2006

That First Package

First packages are hard too send. When I sent the first ever package to my first adopted, I didn't know if it was a man or woman. The name could be either or. So I stuck with the essentials.

Chocolate, powerbars, breakfast bars, hard candies {fruit flavored, even tropical flavors}, Beef jerky, slim jims, antibacterial hand wipes, cookies in tins {tins to keep the sand out}, a toothbrush, toothbrush cover, toothpaste, comb, grooming kit {nail clippers, etc}, breath mints, chewing gum, cheese crackers, hot chocolate, a mug {plastic travel mug}, some spoons, and powdered gatorade.

At Wallmart, it's not spendy. Probably about 29$ spent? Then postage. Postage is what sucks massively. If it can fit in the 8-something dollar Flat Rate Box. A Flat Rate box costs 8 something dollars to send up to 70 pounds I believe it is. Alot of Angels have contests to see if they can max the weight.

Now I try to keep that first box a Flat Rate. Just in case they don't have alot of living space.
For packing boxes, You can get them free from your local post office. Not the fancy boxes, just the regular ones. They will also mail a selection of boxes to you. Called; The Mili Pack. It has a variety of sizes of boxes, the international forms, and those plastic linings for them. Some Priority Mail tape. Postal employees love it when we bring them in prepared. Paperwork, etc.

Call this number; 1-800-610-8734. Choose option 1. Option 1 again. When you reach a live agent request CAREKIT04.

They will arrive in a little over a week, maybe less. I always fill out the international form as I pack it. I have often come close to the postal services weight of my boxes.
Generally I would go with the Flat Rate. I tape the heck out of it!! Remember if you send something with batteries, take the batteries out. If the box is chiming, someone will open it. Someone opens it and things may dissapear if not the whole box.

I send a card ahead seperately with the Survey. I don't write in there that I am sending a package. Just in case it gets misplaced. The card is a Thank You card for there diligence and duty.

For a letter I write;
"Dear first name and last;
Hello! How are you? I hope this finds you well!!
I am a volunteer for a group called Soldiers Angels. I was given your name as a Soldier that could be adopted. Your chaplain submitted your name for adoption. It is an honor and a privilage too adopt a Soldier!! I know many americans feel helpless. What can I do? Too support our Armed forces overseas during this troubled time. I am the parent of a teenager. If you know teenagers they can be money pits. Yet, would like to do something to show You, A soldier overseas that you are not forgotten. That people do care, that you sacrifice for your country, our beautifull country. Thank You!!!
You are not obligated to do anything. Truly. If you feel comfortable, filling out the survey. It would help to know what to send you that you like!! Because we would like to send you a package once a month. If you don't mind, kind of be here for your time overseas. I have email it is; ******* If You would like to reply and it's easier for you to email.
Please stay safe and be carefull!! Know that we are praying for You and Yours.
Sincerely "

The survey asks the Soldiers likes and dislikes. It can be found on the documents section of either boards. So that the next package can have things he or she likes or needs. When we adopt Soldiers it is for the length of there tour, wherever they are. A Soldier is not obligated to do anything. They don't even have too write back. SA tells us this when we sign up; "You may never hear from your Adopted."

I agree to send a package a month. A letter a week? I try to send a letter a week. I believe it's every other week though technically. I love sending packages!! It is very cool, thinking of them opening them and being surprised!!

Remember it can take up to 30 days or longer to receive a reply. Our first ever Free Mail was a little less then two weeks after we sent the first letter. One letter we received on the 4th of february was postmarked the 2 of january. It depends where they are I guess. Some of them move around.

The most important aspect of all of this is too have fun!!

We have a great time Soldier shopping!!! It is a challenge to come up with new things, or even fun too shop from their list.

Here are some more things Soldiers Request;

Cotton swabs
Small notebooks
Pens and pencils- remember to send a sharpener with pencils
Leatherman tools
Cards {like birthday cards, they have those boxes with different types}
Writing paper, Envelopes- {I buy a plastic folder too put them in.}
Magazines and puzzle books
Sewing kits
Female Soldiers- Target has a great selection of small womans items. Perfumes, little bags with grooming stuff inside, gift packs with shower gels. Oil of Olay wipes are a hit!!
God Bless Our Armed Forces!!


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