News from SA Boards;
"The Patriot Guard Riders have asked us to participate with them in a Rideto the Missouri State Capital in Jefferson City, March 25th, 2006. This event isto bring Awareness to our Military who may have been forgotten.
On Saturday March 25, 2006 at 10:30 am, we will organize in the Ramada Innparking lot ( 1510 Jefferson St) and then proceed to the State Capital building.We have the south lawn and steps reserved for our use. Some State legislatorshave been asked to attend as well as other state officials.
The Patriot Guard Riders are a group made up mostly of Veterans. The PGRattend all the memorial services and funerals of our fallen heroes. They paytheir respects to families and friends of the fallen. It was because of thisgroup that helped push the Missouri amendments making it against the law toprotest at a Military Funeral!
You can drive a car, a bicycle, a tricycle, a moped....whatever... Just be there!
Thanks Ya'all! D F Central Region Director"
This is not considered and official P.G. R . mission. It is an opportunity for each group to promote our cause's. Sa will be promoting support of the troops, our various projects, and hopefully aquiring new members.
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