Thursday, April 27, 2006


List of projects for myself/ Illinois Soldiers Angels ;

1) Iraq childrens school supplies drive. Donations are being accepted through myself and Winston Campus. Donations accepted for postage are needed. The cost of shipping the school items. A tax letter can be given.

2) A troop deploying in the next month. Goodies bags for 75 deploying Soldiers. Ideas for what should be in the bags are welcome. Donations accepted through myself and my DS at SA.

3) Chaplains support. Donations accepted through myself. Religious materials and items accepted. Letters of support.

4) School talk; The Life of a Soldier. Calls placed to high schools in the area to see if they would be interested in having us come in to talk about a Soldiers Life.

5) Patriot Guard riders. Supporting them in there endeavers. Attending funerals.

6) Summer carepackages going out. These include cooling scarfs and items for summer. Suntan lotion, etc.

For any donation tax receipts are given.

God Bless Our Troops!!


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