The Da Vinci Code
I read the Davinci code when it first came out. I thought the book was fascinating. I didn't consider myself a christian at that time. The intricate parts of the story was what I found interesting. The numbers things and Davinci. Yet even then, I didn't believe the parts about Christ and Magdalene.
Christ and Mary had a child? Either they were married or lovers?
No. No.
Even then without considering myself to be a Christian I didn't believe that myth. An aside; Holy Blood, Holy Grail has been debunked by its own writers. So all of this was for naught. This book, actually made me want to study the Bible and Christianity more. Christ. Who was he, and why did people follow him relentlessly? Mary, who was she and why did she stand by Him? Stay with Him to the end. Part of being a Christian is to ask. We can deepen our faith by questioning.
Everything we need to know about Christ is in the Bible. The relationship he had with Mary or any woman in his entourage/group. Was as teacher to student. Christ healed Mary of the demons at first. So at first he was like a therapist to her? Then she became an intricate part of his following. He was her teacher, mentor.
Any woman that has ever had a teacher or mentor come onto them, knows that uncomfortable feeling. That it is wrong. As a woman who has had this happen, it is very uncomfortable, and makes me think less of the man. Do you not see me?
I find it highly amusing that woman who are always complaining of being treated like sex objects over thinking rational human beings will fall into that myth whole-heartedly. Woman who are tired of sexual stereotypes, of being treated as if we are only placed on this planet to please a man. Woman who fight for status in the business world, or struggle with that glass ceiling. Will accept that lie.
As if by Mary being His lover or wife would raise her status within that group. She was his wife!! There is a need for humans to be some-thing!! The need for a title. Woman want the title Priest. Why? Because it means something. Yet as a christian isn't part of this to not need titles? To not need the worlds acceptance. To not need the world to place a title upon me. Status. This is what I am!!
We are not of this world...
Lose the need for status or some pedestal. Lose the need for human acceptance. I am not here to be accepted by the world.
Really think about it. In the Bible Christ says to even think of a married woman in a sexual way is adultery. We are called to respect ourselves, our bodies. The body is the temple. Christs body died and rose. So for Christ to look at Mary or any other woman in that way would denegrate her status in His following. Not enhance it. It is very dissapointing as a woman to be treated in that way by someone I respect. Someone I look up to. Ask the woman. Who is hit on or has had advances made upon her by someone she is trying to do business with or work with. Also, what therapist has relations with there patient? What teacher sleeps or consider sleeping with the student? It is wrong and harmfull.
Christ also had his Mother Mary. As a rubick on how to treat woman. Could we see Mary raising her son without that? Utter respect for woman, and what we are capable of. Mary is and always will be an incredible role model for woman. Get past the perpetual virginity. Christ had many followers who were not virgins. He chose to see past that. Accept us as we are. The guilt and shame we place upon ourselves for not being virginal is what we do. Not Christ. Because He see's our potential past that.
Love. Love is not sexual or physical. Love is an essence. Not a physical being. Get out of the valentines, buy my love mentality. Love is pure, simple. Stop wrapping it up in the package of actions. Christ said, love each other as I have loved you. His love for the women was not based on seeking gratification or satisfaction from them. As a matter of fact he sought very little from people. Accept me or not. I am here.
Many of the woman he encountered in the bible were not approached in that manner. Nor delt with in the way. He had a new way. Oftentimes usurping Moses law. Healing woman was what he did. He looked into woman and saw our true selves. Regardless of our sexual ways. That is why He is so amazing!! He took those that were supposedly ruined and brought them back up. Regardless of what we have done, we are worthy, wonderfull beings!! Christ says; "I am here for you."
The idea of having a child. Christ was in constant communion with God. Since he was a boy, scaring his mother by dissapearing for that time. To spend time in "his fathers house." So to have a child? No. No.
Because he knew his purpose was not to populate this world, but to enhance it. To begin this "new way." Like the Dalai lamma, to be celibate is an intricate part of his life. Christ was a teacher of many things. Celibacy is not a crime or wrong. People hear the word celibacy and think of suffering. How do you live without sex? Well, I would hazard to guess many people do. Even people that aren't religious. Married people practice a form of celibacy.
Priests and marriage. I was watching "God or the girl." At first unhappy with the title, because we have God. with or without a mate. But there is an intricacy often missed when looking at Priests or the religious. It is an acceptance of the great one. That my family is the body of Christ. Some are not called to populate, but to enhance. Be there. The wife is the church, or husband Christ. In this, they are fulfilled. Everytime we suggest marriage, in my humble opinion we are belittling there role or purpose. A commitment to humanity. A dedication to the Body of Christ. Which is pure and chaste.
Many people practice celibacy as a way of enhancing our spiritual lives. To give ourselve time, untethered by physical needs to delve deeper into ourselves. Souls/spirits. To gain a deeper understanding of why we do the things we do. Untethered by that need or desire. To seek answers to questions. To take time to just accept ourselves as human beings. Decipher the many facets of me. Sexuality is a part, but not my driving force, nor my purpose in life.
As a parent, it is important for me to be celibate. I haven't always been. For my child to see that I am a person, untethered by sexuality. I am worthy on my own. Respecting this body God gave to me. Walk the walk with Christ.
I want a man to think more of me then as some sexual toy. By focussing only on sex, all they are doing is seeking one aspect of my intricate being. One facet. When there is so much more to me. Read my words, here what I think. Accept me as a person. Seeking sexual satisfaction from each other goes against spiritual lessons. Because we should not seek satisfaction from each other. We should seek? Togetherness. The great one. I see in you, myself. I accept you as I accept myself. Love. Without physical sexuality getting involved. Love and sex do not coincide. Just because we share bodies doesn't mean we share spirit/soul. Oftentimes it is soul-less. Spirit-less. I am with you, but not really WITH you. How often have we/I felt that? How often have I felt lessor of a person for doing that. Cheated by the experience rather then being reinforced.
Can men and woman be friends? Yes. Without sexuality getting involved. To me its more pure, and simple. I should not look at every man I meet as a sexual object. Taking his body apart piece by piece. Seeing only one facet of him. Sizing him up. Or judging him as worthy or unworthy. That part of life is supposed to be sacred. Shared with someone after commitment is made. Ask the woman with children, like myself. No father around. Because the commitment, or knowledge of the man wasn't there to make that very important decision. I missed out on some very intricate parts of a relationship. I didn't give all of myself. Thus cheating that man I was with. Holding back. Hiding from him the most important parts of myself.
Sexuality and childbearing become weapons. We use or utilise to try and keep someone. Bind them to us. I have had your child so you must stay with me. I gave you my body, now you must stay with me. When we do not have the ropes to bind. That intricate sharing. Beneath the surface of everyday life. Because we only gave one small aspect of our whole selves. It is not enough too sustain a length of time, or a true commitment. We confuse sex with love. Seeking love through sex. When oftentimes love has nothing to do with sex. Love comes first. Without sex. Listen to the sisters that made that mistake. How they/I payed for it. How very wrong that is.
Even seeking acceptance through men. I should accept myself without a man. We use men as status symbols or reasons for living. When my reason for life is not a man. We use them to harm each other, we steal them from each other. We fight over them, we use them. Woman do this to harm other woman. One woman will use a man to harm another woman. To belittle her, or make her feel unworthy. We can't respect commitment. We use men in terrible ways. Thus belittling there place/purpose, as well as our own. This is a lack of honor and dignity. Christ wants us to walk in honor and be dignified. Woman should be working together, accepting each other.
We suffer because of those actions, our children suffer. Children grow up feeling they never had a father or mother and seek them. Woman or men struggle too financially support. Thus losing valuable time with our kids. Children become more of a burden then a blessing. Children are discarded and abused. Used as tools to harm the other parent.
Would Christ father a child knowing he would not be there? {There is a debate on whether or not Christ knew what all would happen. I choose his knowing.} Also knowing his children would be hunted. Found and killed. The christians hid after Christs passion for a valid reason. Would he put his own children in his place? To be sacrificed for the cause. No. No.
When we are trying to understand our human purpose on this planet. Sexual gratification is not even considered. Spiritually there is alot more to life. A Purpose Driven Life, doesn't have a section on sexuality? {correct me if I am wrong} Is my place to be some sexual being 24/7? No. It's about delving deeper. Sharing more of ourselves. Getting beneath the face we create to be in this world. That mask we wear. Getting past the title or the name. Allowing people into our hidden rooms. Like the "interior castle." Allowing someone entrance into our selves/beings. Open to them. Nothing is hidden. The boundaries are not sexual ones. Oftentimes sexual problems or promiscuity has nothing to do with sex itself. It is a reaction to something else. It has a deeper meaning. The original thought behind the thought. The original problem covered by these actions. An utter lack of acceptance of me as an individual, a person. Lack of self esteem, self worth. This we cannot get from another human, only from within can we gain it.
To accept more of me. Becoming and accepting me. All of me. Utilising the gifts God gave me to be an intricate part of this world. A positive part.
Thefore my conclusion is that Christ respected Mary far more then we give her credit for. She so believed in Him that she followed Him to the end. What an amazing concept. Too follow through to the end, whatever that end may be. We woman have that within ourselves. Loyalty. Faith. Commitment!! Grace, dignity, honor. Yes!! We are strong and powerfull beings!! We have alot to give! There is alot to do!!! Through Christ, trusting in Him, we can do anything!!
God Bless~~
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