Friday, March 31, 2006

Fallen Soldier, Sgt. Michael Rowe

From Soldiers Angel Holly Aho's Blog;

"Sgt. Michael Rowe, a soldier, a hero, a husband and soon to be father, died
last Tuesday in Iraq, on his 24th birthday.
He was also a blogger. Michael's last
post in his blog was Monday, the day before he died, and it's a post that
describes a man well befitting the name he gave himself for a job he loved back
home - DJ Valor. In his last post he took a survey, one that gives a detailed
look at the man that was and will forever be a hero..."
End Quote

It's such a shock when we lose a fellow blogger. Even though, we know He is in harms way. He or she. It still hurts a hell of a lot!! So often I read peoples blogs, it gives me insight on there lives over there. Intricate aspects I may have otherwise never known. Thats one of the reasons I will support them till whenever. Bravery, courage, valor. Sacrifice.

His family and friends are in my families prayers.

If you have a myspace contact them, and tell them to allow His wife to access the blog. Otherwise it may be deleted do to lack of activity. His memories, precious to his family and friends could be lost.

God Bless Sgt Rowe and His Family!

Monday, March 27, 2006


There is a misunderstanding to lent I believe. It's all about giving up something? Well, in the world of religion and spiritual beliefs; giving up is a year long endeaver. Giving up ego, self, need, and desire. Giving up being in this world to be of this world. Giving up to simplify my life. Clear the way.

Also there are those that volunteer. Giving up time and money for someone else. Year round.

Or those that live within there means. We give up, just to survive. To keep the roof over our heads, or food in our childrens mouths. Especially single parents. {I shouldn't write that because two parent families do this as well.} We give up our time, dreams, hopes, for our children. To be mom and dad. There isn't time to persue that career in writing, or money to persue those dreams of travel. The basis, to give them a good balanced life. This is how it should be. The sacrifice? Has more benefits than one can count.

Why is it so important to give something up? Well, within the sphere of the great One. No-one is better then any other. No-one deserves more then any other. I should not benefit at anothers expense. When one person is without, people should rally, and see to it that they have the basis of sustaining life. Food, shelter, clothing.

The basis here as a catholic is to give up as Christ did. Christ gave his very life, for us. Why? I don't understand how anyone can ask why. We see this happening here, now in our world. Our armed forces overseas, giving up to keep our freedoms alive. To give us hope, that certain things will never happen again. They have a loyalty and love for our country that is often times difficult to understand. Incredible stories of bravery and courage. Lives lost so that others can carry on. Believing that they are making a positive difference. There is more happening over there that can be seen by the naked eye. There is a movement, underneath it all. God is at work. I truly believe this.

Does Christ want us to suffer? No. Christ and God do not want us to suffer. But like children, we need for things that enable suffering. We make choices that encourage our own suffering. We build our own personal world, that is more in than of. It is a time to evaluate these worlds, inner and outer that are built. Why did we build it, and to what benefit is there? Christ said he would rebuild the temple. But was he talking about the temple of stone, or the body temple? Me. The temple I am.

The stone walls, I have built. The rules and regulations I choose to follow. This belief I choose to incorporate into my lifestyle. Is this the right way? Am I walking with Christ or away?
Love. The reason Christ so gave of himself is love. Love is patient, love is kind. Silent love. Internal love, that is beyond human comprehension. That Love. To give of something through love, is the goal. I am not giving this up for my own whatevers. I am giving it up because I love. I love my family, so I won't take that 12 hour a day, highly payed job. I love myself, so I won't do certain things I desire. I love my community, so I will forgo the big screen t.v so that someone else has money to pay there heat. To love and be the better for it.

Intent, is very important. Wayne Dyer, is an incredible teacher of Intent. Why? There has to be, the basis of pure intent. When I begin something with the intent of becoming famous, or making money. It is not a free giving. Because I am too attached to the outcome, because it affects me directly. Oftentimes, and I catch myself in this. Doing something, and being too attached to the outcome. In this, I am too involved. Detachment doesn't mean not caring. It means that it is up to the receiver. Not I, what transpires. We had that recently with SA. Am I a lonely housewife? Completely testing the intent. I find the more I protest, the more I need to look at myself. Why do I do this? What is my purpose? What is my intent? This is good, and actually fits with this time of year.

Christ went to the desert, to cleanse himself. Prepare for what was about to transpire. Many beliefs have there own form of desert. What I find, incredible!! Truly amazing, is that people are physically doing this now. The response, their response to it, is heartwarming. Renewing my faith actually. You see, we are given these incredible people to watch and learn from. Their intent pure, believing in what they are doing. Is why I volunteer. I believe in them. They face demons. Real ones. Even face there own personal ones. Questioning at times. Yet will endure, will continue onward. In this, is an incredibly spiritual lesson.

I know I was afraid of entering the desert. Because one never knows what is awaiting me there. How can I be surprised? Well oftentimes, I am not sure what it is that holds me back, holds me down. Keeps me from Christ. Keeps me from experiencing that Love. I have an inkeling. Yet within the wisdom of Christ and God is a plan. Maybe not my plan? But a plan. There is safety, because I have them with me. I realise this as time goes by. The Blessed Mother, the Saints. Too guide me. I am not alone. Christ wasn't. God was there. God cannot force me though, to Love. Free will, is an amazing ideal. Taken seriously, can make or break a human being. Yet when we break ourselves, God is there. God was there in the beginning and will be there at the end. Ending is a different writing, because there are many endings....God is neverending and so are we.

You see. As Christ was upon that cross. God was there. The angels were as well. Yet he still suffered? As we all do. Free will. The asking, why do you forsake me? Trust in Him. The final breathe. I give myself to You.

When we went to Holy Name Cathedral a few weeks ago. It was for that very reason. To give up my life and hand it to Christ. Give up on my dreams, give up on my plans. Christ I trust in You. God I trust in You. I give my life to You, do as You will. With loyalty, faith, trust. Love.

Forgiveness. The end or beginning, when Christ arises and walks out into the sunlight. Holes still in his hands, scarred. Yet purified. Sacred. The important part of this whole time. Is the beautifull incredible forgiveness that is offered. God forgives us, whether we forgive ourselves. There is always a wrestling with Christ and God. How can you forgive me? You can't forgive me!! Who am I, to doubt that forgivness? It is natural for human beings to doubt something we find difficult to do ourselves. Who am I to refuse too, when they do? It is a tough fight wrestling within the desert. Yet, it is worthwhile. I believe. Faith, loyalty, hope, trust. Love.

When viewing Christs Passion. Passion is actually suffering. I went the first day. I wasn't christian I was pagan. Yet, I bought tickets for myself and three friends. A muslim, an ex catholic and two pagans. We went. I was worried. Holding my buddhist prayer beads. At the time studying buddhism to understand suffering.

Still wondering what Christ had to do with me and my life. He would never want me. Don't listen to christians. One thing I have learned; we can learn from each other and there are some incredible teachers. Yet, seek Christ to understand His wanting of you. He is waiting. He wants me to do something? No, he wants to love you. Untethered, without guile. Without demands. This love often difficult for humans to comprehend. This is the mystery.
The Holy Spirit moves within us all to help us to experience, get a glimpse into this mystery. To get some form of comprehension. Because if we cannot get even the tiniest inkling of comprehension, we cannot experience it.

Yet as I watched, I saw myself. This is why this movie was so important. For me, it was the realisation that I was any number of characters within that movie. The follower, the guards, the torturers, that wild crowd accusing, the woman holding the clothe, or Christ. Being punished and betrayed.

The Blessed Mother. Woman complain there isn't enough, about us/woman to follow. In christian teachings. Not true. Just in that movie alone are all the answers. She was amazing!! Truly inspiring!! Actions speak louder than words. Oftentimes it is the best way. She had the faith to let go, she had the faith to follow, she had such a faith it is an inspiration.

Christ? Well, I closed my eyes. Cried like many others. Yet was so involved with Christ, that I felt comforted. This wasn't supposed to happen. If one person had changed there minds, or taken a different route, it never would have? Each of us, plays a part. We are all intricate facets of this world. Believe it, take it seriously. What am I? I walked away, wondering, what am I? Which part have I chosen. Why did I choose it? That began my walk with Christ.

With alot of help from the Blessed Mother. We catholics don't worship her. We adore her. She is my mother!! Pray to her, and she will intercede for me. Interceding, were those times I doubted Christ. Doubted myself; I can't do this! She said, yes! You can! He doesn't want me! Yes he does. Here he is. She's the Mom, that when I falter or fail. Make a truly wrong choice.

Because of course, now that I am christian I shouldn't be making wrong choices, I should be perfect! Nothing bad should ever happen to me again! So how can I make a wrong choice? St Theresa of Avila, "The Way of Perfection." I am not perfect Christ is. I will always fail, will always make mistakes, it is human nature. Christ is the depth of that mistake. With Christ it can lessen.

The Blessed Mother says, "He is still here." Like when we go to Mom, "is he mad?" She is that calming presence that helps me to approach him again. I have failed. It is oftentimes my own shame, guilt, or remorse that keeps me from Him. Don't let that happen! Try again. That ability to keep on trying. Hope. She is hope. Don't let go of Him and it will get better. I may let go, but He never does.

So I guess, it's not all about giving something up. Each year is an opportunity to renew faith in Christ. To visit our own personal deserts and come out of it hopefull. Forgiven. Cleansed and purified. To review our own suffering and, why do I suffer? To remove those obstacles, to have the opportunity to live a better life. A gift from God we were all given.
Accept it.

God Bless has blessed us all!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Natalie Healy, Mother of Soldier Killed in Afghanistan visits Yale

I was watching Hannity and Colmes last night. There was a story about this Patriotic, incredible Mom. Natalie Healy.

After losing her son in Afghanistan, she continued to support the war, and the efforts of our Armed Forces. Currently she visited Yale. To ask them to remove the Ex-Taliban spokesman Hashemi.

Quote from Opinion Journal;
"Natalie Healy lost her Navy SEAL son Dan in Afghanistan last year when a Taliban rocket hit his helicopter. Ms. Healy, who notes that her son had four children of his own, is appalled at Yale's new student. "Lots of people could benefit from a Yale education, so why reward this man who was
part of the group that killed Dan?" she told me. "I want to tell [Yale President] Richard Levin that his not allowing ROTC on campus is one thing, but welcoming a former member of the Taliban is deeply insulting to families who have children fighting them right now."

God Bless this incredible Mother, her family and Her Courageous Son!!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Lucky Charms Cookie Drop!

The Air Force; The one on the right had an Angel when he was in iraq! Very cool!! I didn't realise Air Force wore brown though?

Above; Our Signature Angel Cookies!! Yep, even on St Pats day we made them.

St Patricks day was spent searching for the elusive Army!! Many are remodeling there recruiting stations, some have moved. Take the yahoo advice, and do a test run. Otherwise it could be a long drive!!

Yet, we did end up finding them, in schaumburg~~

Operation Lucky Charms completed!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

It's Just A House...

The last time I saw this house, we had packed the moving van, and loaded up the family van. I saw it through the rear window, childhood friends stood in front waving goodbye. Tears. No we didn't cry. But we wanted to. At that point in my life I had learned not to cry. Don't feel.
My family moved out to schaumburg when I was a small child from the city of chicago. When my parents bought the house there was a field behind it. Slowly but surely more houses were built, shopping centers. We lived right across the street from my elementary school. Our house had four kids, the next door neighbors had four, and then the two girls who lived one house over. We lived there until I was 14? A freshman in high school.

When I left, I thought I would never see this house again. To tell the truth, I never wanted to. Even now, I have lived here in the chicagoland area for about 6 years. I never once thought to drive by. Too many memories. Not those good cookie baking, game playing ones. But the dark ones. Screams, cries, endless beatings, bruises, broken bones. Shame, degredation. We would stand in a row, as He beat us. My Mom, would sit in the chair like stone. The only time she said anything, was the time he was going to hit me with the baseball bat. "You will kill her." That stopped him. For a time.

For so long, I coudn't look at the pictures. Didn't want to think about it. Do houses hold things within? The cries, fear, anger, and resentment. Some say houses hold things. Hold them within it's foundation. Feelings, vibes. The good and the bad. Perhaps that little girl, still lives there. Waiting for peace, waiting for someone to love her. I learned how to hate God there. God, why do you allow this too happen? Why do you hate me? Why do they hate us?

I remember once, after I had run away. A dramatic, run involving the police and escaping that police car. I was returned home the next morning. My Dad, in his room crying. "Why does she keep trying to leave?"

I think from the time we left there, moved away. It's been the run. Moving like a gypsy. Trying to escape. Whatever curse I seemed to have been born with.

Coincidence? Was it a coincidence, that on this day, we just happened to hit my old neighborhood? There is no such thing as coincidence. Driving to drop off the sweet treats took me to my old stomping grounds. My poor DS, sat in the passenger seat while I drove back to the old neighborhood. Do you mind? Not at all. We were there, and I hadn't seen it in many years....
My heart beat super fast, as I talked her through the places we used to hang out. Family picnics, football games. I was a cheerleader, for the football league. I was also on the swim team. I didn't get lost. Knowing the way, from having walked it so often growing up. We used to carol through these streets, tricker treating.

Now, as I drove down the street. Various spots bringing back memories. The memories weren't those frightening ones. I wasn't afraid. I didn't feel that old resentment. Why me?
Instead, so many positive things came to mind. Each of us had a pool. We could spend hot summer days cooling off in. The next door neighbors had rock bands practising in the garage. We used to play all day baseball games in front of the elementary school. Swing on the swings behind it. The rainbow club, nature club!!

We remember what we want to remember. What could seem dark and dysfunctional. Can actually have light, joy, and laughter. I didn't see a little girl looking out. I did see the brown bricks we painted as a family. The yard looks the same. The house looks peacefull.
The fear is gone. Shame and resentment faded. I no longer hate God. No longer feel cursed. Somehow, through some miracle of Christ. Know my parents loved me. Our parents are not perfect. They treated us better then they were treated by there parents.
I was always my Dads favorite!! Whenever something needed to be done, I was his assistant. For a long time, I really searched for someone to replace him. The father I felt I never had. Someone to love me, someone to take care of me. Someone to save me.

When there was never any need for replacing. There was never any need to look for the love that was there all along. Saving? There is only one that can save.

We cannot change our pasts. Cannot turn the clock back and fix whatever went awry.
All I can do, is sit across the street and look at that house. With a smile, peace in my heart, spirit. Whew! Thank You God and Christ. I would not change one single thing to be where I am right now. At this time. It's no coincidence that I was there. I would have had to go back sometime. We can't escape or hide. Christ always seems to know, when I am ready. To face, whatever I need to face. I wasn't alone. My good friend was there. But Christ was there as well; See. It's allright.

It's allright...

I am blessed to have a great relationship with my parents. Yes! My daughter has trusted grandparents. That love her and treat her like a princess!! Whenever something comes up in her life, she calls my Mom. Or, "Grandpa, this happened..." They are my biggest supporters. We are proud of you!! I? Am proud of them.

As we were driving away, my cell rings...
It's my Sister. "What are you doing?" I am driving by our old high school. "You're kidding me!!" No, I am not!! *Laughs*

God Bless~~

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Scottish Highlanders Creed

"Whatever you say, whatever you do matters not to me - I have gone forward with my friends towards the enemy and I have killed or faced being killed and I have survived. I lived more deeply in a single day than many have done in a month or even a year. I have lived like a lion for days whilst others have been like sheep for an entire existence. Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference - I could die tomorrow and know that I made a difference. "

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Optimist

Blogger Worsmith At War
Has invited people to visit some of his earlier postings.
So far these are my favorites;

2006: Yeart of the Eternal Optimist

An incredible read, that can lift even the most grouchy back up to where we belong. The glass is half full!!

We Support You PT1

We Support You PT2

A Soldiers Story

My Super favorite one;

Flashbulb Thoughts

That last one, I have to read a few times. At times feeling like I was reading something too personal. But, LT K is such an excellent writer!! Really an incredible Wordsmith!!! The name suits!!!

***** and more for this Blogger!!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A full Moon?

I was wondering why things seems to be going a bit off-course. Questions asked of people are answered yet the answers are not helpfull. As a matter of fact, they stray far from the original question.

Attacks are coming from within. I mean really people!! We will be attacked, but from one of our own? Not even sure if it was, I just caught the remnants. Which probably shouldn't have been there. Because now it just makes people wonder. Am I the lonely housewife?
Two things; I don't live in a house and I am not a wife. *whew*

What a cruel thing too write anyways!!! Why are we so cruel to each other?

There is an inherent need in some to cause trouble, or undermine other peoples efforts. That's why I try to stay away from certain places. Because the negativity content can overwhelm. I don't like to involve myself. Because I know I will. It is too easy to shoot off an angry email, or respond in a negative way. Feelings are hurt, and the desire to quit soon follows.

People have bad days.
Yet rather then staying offline they have an intense need to share the badness. Share their negative feelings. Sometimes I think protective gear should not only have been created for our armed forces. *sigh*

This morning my boss said, "did you see the moon?" Apparently it is huge, and close. Is it also a retrograde?

Stepping back from the world, can often be a good idea. Not involving ones-self in the day to day nonsense perpetuated by those who have nothing better to do with there time is very good advice. Thats why I am greatfull I don't have internet at home. Less time to surf, I must focus on the stuff that matters when I am online.

But for those whose feelings have been hurt, and are thinking of quitting. DON'T!!!
Don't let other people pull your strings and make you quit. Why do we allow strangers, to affect our lives in this way? Don't let them!! Stay the course, never quit!!

The weirdness will pass, people will get bored and go away.

Our Soldiers haven't quit and wouldn't!
After all, its about them!!

God Bless us all!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

More Pics from SPC

The Gate to Base @ The Raven

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


News from SA Boards;
"The Patriot Guard Riders have asked us to participate with them in a Rideto the Missouri State Capital in Jefferson City, March 25th, 2006. This event isto bring Awareness to our Military who may have been forgotten.

On Saturday March 25, 2006 at 10:30 am, we will organize in the Ramada Innparking lot ( 1510 Jefferson St) and then proceed to the State Capital building.We have the south lawn and steps reserved for our use. Some State legislatorshave been asked to attend as well as other state officials.

The Patriot Guard Riders are a group made up mostly of Veterans. The PGRattend all the memorial services and funerals of our fallen heroes. They paytheir respects to families and friends of the fallen. It was because of thisgroup that helped push the Missouri amendments making it against the law toprotest at a Military Funeral!

You can drive a car, a bicycle, a tricycle, a moped....whatever... Just be there!
Thanks Ya'all! D F Central Region Director"


This is not considered and official P.G. R . mission. It is an opportunity for each group to promote our cause's. Sa will be promoting support of the troops, our various projects, and hopefully aquiring new members.

Patrol Camp, and Iraq Village, SPC Timothy

SPC Timothys pictures from Iraq, Cool dudes~~

SPC Timothy and The General Lee, after an IED hit.

CDM@ Northwest Armory

The Northwest Armory is typical of buildings one can find throughout the city of chicago. Beautifull with its intricate carvings, depictions of soldiers lining the outer grey stone walls. The date 1818. Two eagles majestically sit up top, as if guarding the area surrounding the building. When I had first received the address for the armory, it reminded me of something I had participated in about two years ago. A memorial.

On Dec 1, 1958 a fire raged through the Our Lady of the Angels School. Varnished walls enabled the fire to move quickly throughout the building. 93 children and three Nuns parished. A Requiem Mass was held at this armory for 27 of the children. Over seven thousand people came to the armory that day. To mourn the loss of life in that horrific tragedy.I noticed when I went there two years ago. What was once a bustling, yet quiet neighborhood. Where one could walk about unafraid. Had fallen into decline. After that tragedy people moved away. The school on Avery, had been rebuilt. Yet the people were no longer the same. An indepth aura of sorrow, and regret still remains.

Driving down there, one can see the decline. Perhaps? It is slowly moving upward again. Even so, this does not stop the monthly training sessions. Illinois Army National Guard members come from all around the chicago and surrounding suburbs to take classes, and train. This battalion ready and prepared to be put into action by our Governer at any time.

They have been too Bosnia for a Peacekeeping Mission, Afghanistan, and most recently Hurricane Katrina. Although when they talk about Katrina, it is the Coast Guard that they admire. If one were to ask them their answer is; what this battalion did was minimal compared to the efforts of the coast guard. Those five weeks they were there. Five weeks, called to duty. In a moments notice? Their families left behind as they work to improve whatever situation they are placed in. Here in america, not just overseas. For Katrina, it was to set up supply lines to get the much needed food, water, etc. Into that flooded region. Afterwards to return home, resume jobs. Get on with there daily lives. The Army National Guardsmen/Woman work jobs like regular citizens.

Therefore taking a day off work, and baking. Seemed nothing. Compared to the sacrifice and diligence of these brave men and woman. Through the efforts of three angels and numerous junior/teen angels, over 300 cookies and treats were baked.
In our family baking is passed down to the next generation. It was one of the highlights of my childhood. My mother, sisters and I baking together. Although the Kolachky recipe my daughter and I made was the Bohemian style. My mother is in the process of moving, so her recipe has been tucked away in storage. This was the closest one I could find on the internet. One soldier stressing he was watching his waistline could be coerced into trying one because there is only three tablespoons of sugar used in one batch.My daughter is the decorator. Angels with purple wings, the SA emblam on a few. Creative, and colorfull {Our discussion on the neon frosting ended up with us throwing it away. We want them to want to eat them. Not look at them and wonder. Green and yellow neon?}

Cinnamen apple bread, muffins {blueberry, banana, and chocolate chip,} cupcakes, and rice krispy treats, rounded out this morning respite from training. It worked out well, something for everyone.

Our goal was to arrive at the armory at 9:30. First stopping to pick up Renee, her sister and a friend. Renees sister is joining the military. So far we have this; "the army offers the best college fund." Our SPC Timothy agrees. If you can get past basic training. One should prepare for those gruelling weeks. Two mile runs, and 2 minutes of situps {you have to do so many of them in 2 minutes.} Pushups. It is not "as bad" as it was, I guess. Seems to be the general consensus.Another Soldiers Angel met us there as well. She is spunky, and I hadn't realised she was air force at one time.

With a trunk full of goodies we started off, yahoo map in hand. A gift bag for Major John. He has been officially thanked. Given an Angel and the Official Soldiers Angel coin. For going above and beyond this call of duty. *smiles* Without him, none of this would have transpired. What seems too happen in this Angel Life, is that we are able to meet some incredible people. I write this often. But it is true.

We were lucky. Major John commented. Holly set the Sa alarm, and we stuck with it. Oh no, he's not going to pass us off to some more deserving troups!! Which was what he attempted to do. Almost stalking we were bound and determined to thank him whether he felt it was deserved or not!! I had a discussion with a soldier at the armory. "This never happens." At least not in our area? I know of some that do this in there areas. But, my fellow angels this is the call to make it happen more often in other areas!

These opportunities seem to work well, if we have an insider.For instance;Parking was made available for us in front of the armory. The neighborhood was packed with cars. 50 to 80 soldiers were at the armory that day.Major John waited in front, so we could get past the guard at the door.We were able to ask the important questions; how many will be there, do they have allergies, store bought or baked, what is the best time?

The CDM's should be sanctioned by military personnel? Ask someone, to make sure we meet there regulations or specifications. Baked or store bought. Was an issue discussed. Back in the 60's.....Well, lets just write the treats had a bit of a kick to them. So at that time they could not accept baked goods. Therefore it is best to ask first what is appropriate to bring. After all, these are the ones we are trying to support. Everyone should know by now, the military is regulation. From the way they cuff their sleeves, to the way they moved past the table of treats. Orderly and politely. It does not bother me to be called m'am. I always thought I got my ability to stand in line patiently, by that time I spent as a military wife. This is a rules and regulation way of life.
It is not the event itself that makes this so worthwhile. It is the people that participate. This was a suprise. The soldiers came out from there morning class, to find cookies, etc. Lining the table. We angels took a spot against the wall. This was our first CDM, we were not sure how to proceed. One by one, male and female soldiers came by and shook our hands, thanking us, as we thanked them. The "thank you" game. Very serious this is. Each one walking past, with a firm grip in there handshake. Thank you for bringing these. Our reply; thank you for serving our country. We want to thank you, for all that you do.

I have to admit, I am like a four year old, when around military personnel. I have tons of questions. Major John wore the desert uniform. Yet, the others wore the "old" uniform. Dark green and black cami. I was able to meet a writer, from their blog. It is always fascinating, getting the perspective of military personnel on everyday events.

The different boots worn. Desert boots are best, because you don't have to polish them. {trust me, polishing is an artform} Velcro emblams versus sewn on.Numerous funny stories. The now infamous Kuchi- {meaning; those who move} Camel with his I.D badge sanctioned by the military. *smiles*Where have they been, what do they do there? There is no hesitation, in recalling different situations, and the variety of things our military faces, when they go oftentimes too far off regions. Afghanistan. The people, culture, market places. Our military doesn't just go in and americanize these people. No. There is protocal, and understanding them. Working with them. Adapting to the surroundings and culture of the people.

Looking at these brave men and woman, one cannot help but feel that touch of pride in our country. God, it is great to be an american!! I learn alot from them. My teen angel as well. What is supposed to be an effort too support, always turns into an opportunity to indulge in that american pride. As well, to learn something valuable to enable us to better appreciate this american life often taken for granted. Why do people join the military with its rules and regulations? Sign up for 6 to 8 years? A soldier goes where they are told too go. One Soldier I spoke too put it best; "We want to uphold these freedoms. We have a pride in our country and feel it is worthwhile." Too dedicate years of service too it. Collectively I would guess, between them all there is over two hundred years of service. {That is a minimal guess. Very minimal.}
As we drove home, flying high. *High five* Mission Accomplished!! There are a variety of new missions, that begin from this one. Like the inevitable tree of life, branches. Well, yes there are more branches of the military needing to be thanked. Navy, Air force, the Marines. Hooah!!

Each time we meet military personnel, they give us the opportunity too better understand the conditions our soldiers live in overseas now. Which enables us too support them to the best of our abilities. Thank You Major John, and your battalion for an excellent morning!! What a great time!!

God Bless Our Armed Forces and There Families!!